Until the end

Forever a friend

Naval Nkabinde
1 min readJan 29, 2023

I will not die but my flesh will be no more.
my name should continue
walking the halls of your hearts.
let not my name be last spoken
when you say goodbye to my flesh.
when I walked the earth,
we didn’t see each other every day.
but the thought of me stopped by your mind regularly.
my funny remarks,
I pray they made an impression
worth visiting from time to time and again.
for a while, my pictures
will be daggers into your hearts.
also a comforter of your aching need to see me.
my friends will be a sorrowful remainder.
bonds created through shared admiration and love never wither away.
break out my spiderman costume
when it arrives.
sing again on karaoke nights.
watch live shows of artists.
debate on the next coming comic movie.
and share joy again until the end.



Naval Nkabinde

My writing is mostly based on my everyday interaction. using poetry to better understand life. Enjoy!